17 December 2010

On being "on pause" soon

[english first  :: traduction en francais juste en dessous :-) ]


I am taking a little break very soon ! 

My last e-shop update will be on saturday the 18th of December in the evening 
(Paris, France time) which for the US is your saturday morning. 

I was not able to finish all my ongoing projects. I got pulled in too many directions at once. But there will be at least 2 new cushions or possibly 3 and some prints.

Un lieu sur terre will be closing from the 20th of December to the 4th of January. 
My e-shops will stay open and you are more than welcome to shop at any time during my break ~ however please note that any orders placed after 2pm on the 19th December will not be posted until I return on the 4th of January.

A huge thank you to all my customers, subscribers and supporters for a fantastic 2010! 

I have loved every bit of it and I simply couldn't do it without your support 

It has been an amazing journey and I am now looking forward to taking a little break
 and wish all of you a very 

Merry Christmas and 
all my best wishes for 
a happy and healthy 2011!

*   *

Bonjour !
Je prends une petite pause très bientôt!
Ma dernière mise à jour par e-boutique aura lieu

 le samedi le 18 Décembre dans la soirée.
Je n'ai pas été capable de finir tous mes projets en cours... Trop de choses a accomplir en trop peu de temps . Mais il y aura au moins 2 nouveaux coussins ou éventuellement 3 et quelques cerations papier si tout va bien .

Un lieu sur terre sera fermé du 20 Décembre au 4 JanvierMes e-boutiques resteront ouvertes et vous êtes plus que bienvenue 

 à tout moment pendant ma pause.
Mais, s'il vous plaît, merci de noter que toutes les commandes passées après 14 heures le 19 Décembre ne seront  expediees qu'à mon retour le 4 Janvier.
Un grand merci à tous mes client(e)s, abonnés et ami(e)s pour une année 2010 fantastique!

J'ai aimé chaque moment passe a l'atelier et je ne pouvais pas le faire sans votre soutien Ainsi, un enorme MERCI !
Ce fut une incroyable experience que j'ai hate de continuer 

avec vous en 2011 pour de nouvelles aventures. 
Cependant,  maintenant je suis assez impatiente de prendre une petite pause
 mais sans oublier de 
vous souhaiter à tous un
Joyeux Noël et tous mes meilleurs vœux pour une bonne et heureuse annee 2011!

16 December 2010

Eye candy : Design for kids auction in Paris

Design for Kids at Pierre Bergé

Spotted via Charlotte Handmade's blog ::
Tomorrow at Pierre Berge will be auctioned some beautiful design pieces made for kids. Wish I could go but mostly wish I could afford it...
In the meantime :: have a look here ! It is free!

I am way behind my family life schedule and my work schedule. I am trying to catch up with all.
I will try to send e-shop update and studio time online soon???!

Expecting snow this afternoon sometimes here around Paris. My kids might be Xmas caroling at their school under snowflakes... ? 
They must be doing the dance snow right now at school (and I am doing the please-wait-until-we-drive-back-home-safely kind of dance myself :: somehow, I did not have that much fun driving back last wednesday with the sudden snow storm, hum...)

06 December 2010

Hot cocoa on wheels ...

The weather outside is frightening...let it snow...let it snow...
And yes it is snowing in Paris today !
And this cool trike (we have the same :: but we carry our girls in it) deliver old fashionned hot cocoa in the street...!

Love the idea!

The video is kinda cool too!

Velo-chocolat from mylittleparis on Vimeo.

05 December 2010


Thanks to Poppytalk Market, several vendors were noticed and showcased on this online magazine called "SCOUT". 

My "Winter Manifesto" cushion is featured on page 24 !

Click on the image below to view in fullscreen!

03 December 2010

02 December 2010

I have been "Scouted"


My cushion "Winter Manifesto # 1" is featured on their page # 24

You can purchase it here.

There will not have  a K*itchen K*orner tomorrow ( ahem...a little bit just like last week, if you have noticed...). I have too much work to do in my studio.And get ready for a birthday to soon come ( someone will turn 8 years old on the 20th of December but will celebrate it a bit sooner to make sure friends will actually come...)
Life is also made of choices and priorities, right ? !

Wishing you all a beautiful wintery week-end!

19 November 2010

We can do anything

I spotted this great video on  Louise Gale blog :

I just could not pass it on. 
It is very well made. 
Slightly utopist and I like that !

18 November 2010

From the moon, with love

Finally some e shop updates and studio pics !

I am running way behind my deadline for my Newsletter...
Sorry it will come... soon... I hope.

In the meantime, fresh from the studio ::

Both "Petite Moon" pillows will be in  the shops this week-end.

Have lovely day, 


13 November 2010

shall not be disturbed

hello silence my old friend

(from Hello silence my old friend via)

Apologize for my silence on the blog. 
Life seems to have been busier  + studio time slighty extended (less sleep) = less time online to blog and be a social bee..!

Be back very soon with some pictures and  studio news !

A bientot, 

04 November 2010

It smells like Fall

A new Friday ritual around our passion for "grown you own produce" 
or at least local, in season and organic. 
Some photos  around what happened 
in our kitchen & little garden 
this week 
a recipe to share.

If you are inspired to do the same, 
please leave me a Love Note 
with a link back to your own *K*itchen *K*orner.

Wishing you a "earthy" week-end!


Children love these colorful and festive holiday cut-out cookies 
that are made from organic ingredients and ready to be decorated.
As every kid, ourslove this tradition associated with the holiday season.


1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup choice of raw sugar
2 eggs
3 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups organic  pastry flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
Cream the butter and in a large mixing bowl. Beat in the eggs one at
a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the dry ingredients in a small
bowl, and stir into the butter mixture a bit at time, blending thoroughly as
you go. Pat the dough into a ball, cover, and refrigerate for at least three
hours or overnight.
Lightly flour a cutting board, and roll dough out to about 1/4-inch thick.
Cut out cookies with cookie cutters.
Place cookie on a lightly greased cookie sheet
and bake in a preheated 350 F oven until golden, about 8 minutes.
Makes about 4 dozen cookies.
Decorate with homemade natural icing !
*   *   *
Petits biscuits faits a l'emporte-piece pour les Fetes de fin d'annee.
Une fois cuits ils sont prêt à être décorés.
Comme tous les enfants, les notre adore cette tradition associés à la période des Fêtes.


1 tasse de beurre non salé1 choix tasse de sucre brut2 oeufs3 cuillères à café de vanille3 tasses de farine à pâtisserie bio1 / 4 c. à thé de sel
Mélangez le beurre et dans un grand bol à mélanger. Incorporer les oeufs un à un moment, puis incorporer la vanille. Mélanger les ingrédients secs dans un petitbol, et incorporer au mélange de beurre un peu à la fois, bien mélanger commevous allez. Mettre la pâte en boule, couvrir et réfrigérer pendant au moins troisheures ou jusqu'au lendemain.
Fariner légèrement une planche à découper, et rouler la pâte à environ 1/4-inch épais.Découper les biscuits avec emporte-pièce.Place les cookies sur une plaque à biscuits légèrement graisséeet faire cuire dans un four préchauffé à 350 F jusqu'à ce que doré, environ 8 minutes.
Donne environ 4 douzaines de biscuits.
Décorez avec glacage maison!

28 October 2010

Un lieu sur terre on TV

I mentionned it before
Well, the " project " did happen and the TV crew did come. 

It will be on TV on Sunday the 31st  at 11:00 am 
on Teva Channel in a show called "TEVA DECO".

I was a bit nervous about several things after saying "yes" to their asking me to film our house and interview me. First of all Tv crew are known to be "invasive". Secondly, I am NOT a good speaker. Never been, never will. But the TV Crew was so nice that those fears melted away quite rapidly. The interview part was - and still is - the dreaded part of the show. I hope it turned out okay. I was very nervous all day long, but it sure was fun to be treated just like "Pretty Woman" and having my make-up ajusted to the light every so often! 

Last time I got my hair & make up done professionally it was for my wedding ten years ago! My friend Caroline was able to take some pictures. Thank you, Caroline! You made my day since most of the time I am very seldom on pictures since I am the one taking them...!

[P]umpkin [P]rincesses

This little girl likes to listen to pumpkin

This little girl likes to dig in pumpkin

This little girl likes to to scoop the  pumpkin

This little girl likes to "talk" to her pumpkin

This little girl is serious about carving her pumpkin.

And this little girl was so tired that she fell asleep...

* * *

27 October 2010

The Snow Child :: the story behind

Following & celebrating the seasons, I recently added a limited serie to my "Simplicity of the Season" collection. It is called "The Snow child". 

It is a combined inspiration from documentaries/movies that moved me at different times in my life, among them : Nanouk, L'enfant des neiges,and most recently Rendez-vous en Terre Inconnue . In the latest,  I discovered and learned about a "tribe" called the Nenetses.  The land of the Nenets  is the tundra and coniferous forest, a land of permafrost, with many rivers and vast marshy areas. Nenets religion is based on a shamanistic and animistic beliefs: the land and its resources.  
Ancient Chinese sources tell us that already the 6th and 7th century, north of Lake Baikal, male reindeer harnessed like horses to transport goods. Despite the forced march of the Sovietization - learning Russian, collectivization, and the upheavals of the post-perestroika, these pastoralists, the Nenets have managed to perpetuate their traditions. They knew, through the ages, to reconcile identity and modernity.

The limited edition Snow Child is at the crossroads of my two collections "Simplicity of the Season" and "Pastoral."

* * *

Suivant et célébrant les saisons, j'ai récemment ajouté une série limitée à ma collection "Simplicity of the Season". Elle s'appele "The Snow Child".

Elle est le fruit d'une une inspiration combinée de documentaires / films qui m'a ému à différents moments dans ma vie. Parmi eux: Nanouk, L'enfant des neiges, et plus récemment Rendez-vous en Terre Inconnue. Dans la dernière, j'ai découvert  une «tribu» appelé le Nenetses. Le lieu des Nenets est la toundra forestière et de conifères, une terre de pergélisol, avec de nombreuses rivières et de vastes zones marécageuses. La religion Nenets est basée sur des croyances chamaniques et animistes: la terre et ses ressources.
D'anciennes sources chinoises nous disent que c'est déjà au 6e et 7e siècle, au nord du lac Baïkal, que des rennes mâles etaient attelés comme des chevaux pour transporter des marchandises. Malgré l'avancee forcée de la soviétisation - l'apprentissage du russe, la collectivisation, et les bouleversements de l'après-perestroïka, ces éleveurs, les Nenets ont réussi à perpétuer leurs traditions. Ils ont su, aux travers des âges,  concilier identité et modernité.
L'édition limitée de "The Snow Child" est a y reflechir à la croisée de mes deux collections "Simplicity of the Season" et "Pastoral".