01 October 2011

Is this a chicken coop ?

Oh! that "big move" coming up pretty soon is certainly keeping us busy! We have been down that path many times to know the feeling. But with age (yep!) comes a different way of dealing with stress level. Well, at least for now (J-3 months) . So far, so good ! We will see how the last weeks in our current home will truly be. 
Hopefully not as frantic as the ones we experienced 5 years ago when we left Sunny California for Paris, France.

Right now, the energy around our house is spent on dreaming.

So today I would like to share with you our new craze :: chicken coops !

We first went to our local and very well supplied library and gathered as many as we could find books on bees, goats, chickens, gardening.

Then came the search online...

First on Etsy 

Chicken Ark down payment
Found via Chicken Ark

And finally from Designer  + magazine websites ::

Handcrafted Chicken Coops by Drew Waters

Handcrafted Chicken Coops by Drew Waters
(This one reminds me of the inside of our girls miniature doll house !)

Breed Retreat by Frederik RoijéBreed Retreat by Frederik Roijé

found via Ready Made + Design Milk

But our favorite one is the most definetely this one ::
(I know, this is NOT the true "Laura Ingalls and Co" type of chicken coop)
But it looks really neat and seeminlgly easy to clean.
And it comes in different colors ;)

The next question is :: how many chicken ? 

 What do you think ?

1 comment:

  1. I love the one! Sad to know it was not available in Texas :0(. Still trying to get my father and husband to commit to building one. They came up with a design similar but out of wood. It's just been to hot to build. We think starting at six is a good number but 8 might be better...i suppose you can always find someone who will take eggs if you have too many!
